Digital Address Code (DAC): In the near future, you may not need to identify your address while ordering online or paying property taxes. All you’ll need is an address with an Aadhaar-like unique identifier. This will be feasible thanks to each address in the country having a Digital Address Code (DAC).
Digital Address Code (DAC)
The DAC is being created by the Indian government’s Department of Posts. The department has posted a draught strategy paper on its official website for public comment and ideas.

डिजिटल एड्रेस कोड
मोदी सरकार देश में डिजिटल एड्रेस कोड (DAC) पेश कर रही है। यह आपके पते के लिए अद्वितीय आधार लिंक कोड है। इससे भविष्य में ऑनलाइन परिवहन सहित कई संस्थानों को मदद मिलेगी। वर्तमान में भले ही सही पता दिया गया हो कूरियर या प्रेषक सही जगह पर नहीं पहुंच सकता है। Google Maps भी मदद नहीं करता है। लेकिन जल्द ही सरकार उस देश के हर नागरिक को एक यूनिक कोड देगी। अपने घर का सटीक स्थान जानने के लिए इस कोड को दर्ज करें या इसे क्यूआर कोड के रूप में स्कैन करें। इस तरह आप बिना पता बताए इस कोड से कई काम कर सकते हैं। आप इस कोड में डिजिटल मानचित्र भी देख सकते हैं।
केंद्रीय दूरसंचार और जन संचार मंत्रालय के डाक विभाग ने इस दिशा में एक कदम उठाया है। विभाग के अनुसार, प्रत्येक घर में एक डिजिटल एड्रेस कोड (DAC) होगा जो डिजिटल निर्देशांक के रूप में कार्य करेगा। डाकघर ने इस संबंध में आम जनता और इच्छुक पार्टियों से प्रस्ताव मांगे हैं, जो 20 नवंबर को समाप्त हो गए। मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स के मुताबिक, देश में करीब 35 करोड़ रुपये के घर हैं, वहीं कमर्शियल और अन्य प्रतिष्ठानों समेत करीब 75 करोड़ भवन होंगे. डाकघर का कार्य उन सभी के लिए एक अद्वितीय 12-अंकीय पहचानकर्ता बनाना है।
Aadhaar is currently being used as proof of address. However, the Aadhaar card‘s address cannot be digitally validated. DAC would aid in the digital authentication of an address, according to the draught approach paper. According to the proposal paper, the DAC should be able to uniquely identify each address in the country and relate it to its geospatial coordinates, which can be expressed numerically or alphanumerically.
What is Digital Address Code (DAC)?
Digital Address Code (DAC) is being created by the Department of Posts, Government of India. Under this arrangement, each house will have its own separate code. This will be a unique code similar to the number of the Aadhar card, which will be given to every citizen of India according to their address. In simple words, if there is a two-story building, and it has 10 flats, then each flat will have its own code. If there is a two-story house, and two families live in it, then separate codes will be formed for both families. now you get it.
How will the DAC code work?
You can use the DAC code by typing it or you will be able to get the exact location of the house by scanning it like a QR code. After the introduction of the DAC code, you will get rid of the hassle of feeding the address for any work. You will also be able to view digital maps with the help of DAC codes.
Digital Address Code (DAC) Benefits
- Online address verification of every house can be done. E-KYC of Banking, Insurance, and Telecom will be made easy.
- DAC can prove to be very helpful for a service like e-commerce.
- DAC will help a lot in implementing government schemes. It will also help in preventing incidents of fraud.
- Assist in the preparation of property, taxation, disaster management, and census and population registers.
- The DAC will help fulfil the dream of One Nation One Address.
Why Digital Address Code (DAC) is necessary?
The DAC code will act as a permanent code, after which services like e-commerce will become very easy. Also, many tasks like tax filing, eKYC, and address verification will be done easily with the DAC code without having to feed the address. #DigitalAddressCode
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What is a Digital Address Code?
It is, in some ways, the exact address of a location. it provides you with a 12-digit unique code It is also possible to state which will be prepared for office and residential addresses.
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What is the full form of DAC?
DAC is a shortened form for Digital Address Codes.
What number of digits will the digital address code have?
The digital address code will have 12 digits in total.
Which ministry is launching India’s digital address code?
It is the responsibility of the Department of Posts / Post Office Department, which is part of the Ministry of Communications, Government of India.